5643 W Pontiac Dr
Glendale, AZ
United States
QSL via:
Bureau, Direct mail, eQsl, LOTW, E-mail request
QSL manager:
A Native New Yorker, Arizona is my Adopted State. I've lived here for 15 years now.
Ham radio is my most recent hobby endevour, joining Amateur Astronomy, Geocaching & Model Railroading & R/C Planes.
Several of my freinds also have similar interests, so we refer to ourselves as the Astrocaching Hams!
Currently, I am using a Kenwood TH-D7 HT unit and a Kenwood TM-D710A Mobile.
The Home Station is an FT8900R for VHF/UHF into a Diamond V2000X Vertical, and an Icom IC-7000- with an AT-7000 Auto Tuner into a G5RV Junior Antenna.
I made my first satellite QSO on AO-51 with W6AJP. Used the TH-7D and a homebrew yagi antenna.
I enjoy receiving QSL's and will send QSL's for All HF &Sat Contacts and IRLP Contacts.
QSL Direct for SAT's no SASE required in the US. Direct or eQSL for IRLP and others.