B.Polyanka 28, k1, ap. 127
119180 Moscow
European Russia
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Born on July 9, 1956. I received the SWL Call sign in 1972 at the radio club of Saratov. In 1973, I entered the medical University, after which I was engaged in medicine, teaching, scientific activity. During this period (1973-2023) I was not engaged in amateur radio activity. In 2023 (more than 50 years later) I resumed amateur radio activities. By chance, I saw an R250M receiver on the Internet (1959), on which I worked as a schoolboy in the Saratov radio Club. Purchased and restored this receiver. From that moment I started studying modern radio equipment, software. I am very interested in digital types of radio communication.
I Got the call sign UB3AYY. The first QSO was registered on February 20, 2023 - for the first time in the last 50 years.
In December 2023, I received a new call sign R2BOA
Working conditions: R250M, Yaesu FTDX10, Cushcraft A4S, Yaesu M-1 microphone, Ham Radio Deluxe, WSJT-X
I upload my logs to QRZ, LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog, HRDLOG and QRZ.RU