P.O. Box 907
Lyndoch SA 5351
QSL via:
Bureau, Direct mail
QSL manager:
I have been a licensed amateur since the early 1970's. My first callsign was VK3ZZK, many years ago and I followed my passion for VHF, working mostly on 6 Meters and 2 Metres. Most of my activity, after several callsigns with moves around due to my employment, was as VK8AH (which I still hold), and 9V1TT (In Singapore), and now VK5UR. I still largely operate on 6 Metres as my focus area of interest on SSB and CW, though more recently have moved to the digital modes with FT8.
On 6 Metres, I have a DXCC and WAC. In my QTH I have more limited antenna systems than in my VK8 location. Mainly a 5 El 6M, 2M, and M2 Eggbeaters for Satellite. HF, I use a Hustler 6BTV.
My gear has been Icom for many years with IC-7800, IC-7610, IC-9700, IC-7100 (running remote), ID-5100 and more recently, have moved to FlexRadio 6700 with a fun move into SDR!
QSL Direct or LoTW. I am using Ham Radio Deluxe so you can anticipate a quick upload to LoTW.
I look forward to working you on the bands.....